With funds from Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Michigan IPL offered a $500 gift to 3 houses of worship participating in our Energy Stewardship Webinar series.
Portage United Church of Christ (UCC) put this gift to work by replacing older, fluorescent tube lighting with bright, highly efficient LEDs!
The Rev. Dr. Mary Kay Schueneman enjoys her brightly lit office at Portage UCC.
“I am so happy to have these new, bright LED lights in my office! The previous lights had a yellow overcast that really dimmed the room; these have lightened my workspace. I’m also thankful that our congregation can be a part of faith communities’ efforts to care for our planet home. This is a small step, but a faithful one, and we hope it will continue us on our way.” – Rev. Dr. Mary Kay Schueneman
Portage UCC also participated in our Light the Way program and got a free Energy Assessment from their utility. Following their assessment, the Portage UCC Property Team followed through on the energy-saving recommendations they received and hired a contractor certified by Consumers Energy to upgrade lighting in some of the church's high-usage areas to LED.
With a combination of the $500 grant and utility discounts and rebates, Portage UCC will pay only 20% of the project costs and benefit from lower monthly electric bills. (An 80% discount!)
Food ministry volunteers at Portage UCC.
Portage UCC has freed up funds for their many outreach programs by installing more efficient lighting. Funds that would previously have gone into paying the utilities will be better put to use by providing for essential needs of the greater Kalamazoo area they serve.
Through an Energy Stewardship webinar with Michigan IPL, grant funds from EGLE, cooperation with Trade Allies, and the determination to follow through on projects, Portage United Church of Christ, has, in the words of Pastor Schueneman taken ”... a small step, but a faithful one, and we hope it will continue us on our way.”
Great work, Portage UCC!
You are a light unto others.