House of Worship Rewards - Michigan Interfaith Power & Light

House of Worship Rewards

Earn money for your congregation by spreading the good news about energy efficiency

Pastor Andreas Teich and Messiah Lutheran Church of Bay City earned $2,000 by signing members and friends of the congregation up for Consumers Energy’s free residential energy assessments.

Your congregation can, too!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up and host an energy efficiency workshop for your congregation (led and sponsored by Consumers Energy).
  2. Promote the benefits of energy efficiency at home and encourage congregants and friends to schedule a free home energy analysis with Consumers Energy. They provide a unique code (something easy like “Messiah Lutheran BC”) so that your house of worship gets credit for the referral.
  3. Earn up to $2,000 for your congregation, based on the number of sign ups!

Your house of worship DOES NOT need to be a Consumers Energy customer to participate. Those signing up for residential energy efficiency services DO need to be Consumers Energy customers.

Download the flyer.  

To sign up, contact our project manager Jennifer Young via email or (248) 463-8811.
