Sacred Spaces: Muslim Center Detroit - Michigan Interfaith Power & Light

Sacred Spaces: Muslim Center, Detroit

Detroit's busy Muslim Center is one of 11 congregations benefitting from participation in our Sacred Spaces project.

Here's what Executive Chairman Mark Crain had to say about the Muslim Center and its work, focus, and mission in Detroit.


The Muslim Center Mosque and Community Center is open nearly every day of the week serving the Detroit community.

Mark Crain, what can you tell us about the Muslim Center?

The Muslim Center was established in 1985, so we've been serving the Detroit community for nearly 40 years. We were established to provide an inclusive environment for the practice of Islam for Detroiters of every racial and ethnic background, and we're directly connected to the rich history of the establishment of Islam in the U.S.

What is your congregation's spiritual or religious inspiration for practicing earth stewardship? 

One of our defining characteristics over the years has been as a launchpad for important social services. For our entire existence, we've hosted a soup kitchen and food pantry on a weekly basis. We incubated the HUDA Clinic, a free clinic now standing as its own institution in our neighborhood. More recently, we've been a core partner to Dream of Detroit, a local community development organization that's changing the face of our neighborhood.

How do you understand environmental justice?

We understand environmental justice as the combination of conserving the Earth's resources and beauty for future generations, while ensuring that those communities most negatively impacted by man-made climate change are the first to benefit from new protective measures and investments.

What’s one key take away that you hope your congregation and/or community gains from your participation in Sacred Spaces?

We would like to replace the flood lights outside the building and improve insulation or weatherization.  We are trying to ascertain whether three HVAC units need to be replaced, or if they could be repaired.


Michigan IPL is excited to be partnering with the Muslim Center, and we know that the Center and its Detroit neighborhood will be benefitting from these energy improvements for years to come!
